Saturday, November 3, 2007

Catching up with Mary Anne Barothy

Last night I had the fun experience of catching up with former Perennial Pictures staffer and author Mary Anne Barothy at the signing of her new book “Day at a Time.” Before becoming Director of Publicity for Perennial Pictures (1986-1990), Mary Anne was personal secretary to movie star Doris Day. “Day at a Time” is Mary Anne’s recounting of her time with one of the biggest stars in motion picture history.

It was great seeing Mary Anne and a fun surprise to see our studio mentioned in her book and on the jacket. The book is a fun, informative read! Check it out.

One of the shows Ms Barothy worked with us on was “A Mirthworm Masquerade.” It was the second TV Special we made, and after its initial US broadcasts, it continued to play well for many years overseas.

To see a couple of minutes from it, Click here.
